====== Release Notes 0.8.7 ====== ===== Changes (06-03-2015) ===== * Startup process is reviewed. E4ResourceManager class is forsaken and a E4AdichatzApplication class is created. * Creation of **org.adichatz.testing** plugin in order to easily create and launch TestNG tests inside Adichatz Applications and display results. * Add TextFieldEditor for preference page. * Add evaluators on Preference page. Apply could be processed only when evaluators are checked. * Simplify Lock manager invocations (JEE). * Add "application" listeners (post open part, bring to top, post start up). * Recast of navigators: Navigators can be extended by external plugins: i.e. org.adichatz.testing plugins adds specific menu and items to current navigators. * Query preferences could be common to several editors. * QueryBuilder can be specified in query axml file. * Query parameters can be disabled (user cannot change values) or invisible. * Editor for axml query file has been completed. | * Attributes of element in customization attribute can override attributes of element in part. * ImageViewer is no longer reloaded when imageReference is not changed (improve response time when image is loaded from internet). * Expanded items of Tree of GenerationTreeController in ScenarioEditor.axml stay expanded after a save of changes in the editor. * XML files stored in configuration directory (outside workspace) can be opened in current workspace (ight click on project and select Adichatz / Open external resources Editor). ===== BugFixes ===== |< 100% 80px>| ^ Bug Id ^ Summary ^ | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-01** | When adding Entities from Adichatz plugins incorporated in Eclipse IDE, class loading error occurs. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-02** | In org.adichatz.engine.e4.preference.ANumericFieldEditor.ANumericFieldEditor class set dirty preference page only when value changes. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-03** | Error when changing XML page of Scenario Editor (getActivePageController() could return null value). | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-04** | When saving changes on RCP page of Scenario Editor, actions are still not enabled and XML page is sill not editable. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-05** | toolTipText attributes of element nodeType must not be requirtedt (see file menuTree.xsd). | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-06** | Layout of paginationItem and paginationCmp components of QueryToolContainer.axml file in org.adichatz.jpa plugin are incorrect. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-07** | Cannot create new jointure using XjcTreeEditor editor. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-08** | In org.adichatz.engine.data.FieldBindingManager class, getMethod field is not initialized. Now use expression getField().getGetMethod(). | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-09** | Error occured at eclipse openning when previously open axml file was changed outside eclipse. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-10** | On query, sub jointure must be added following depth. e.g. from Customer c join fetch c.address a join fetch a.city c join fetch c.country co join fetch c.store s is incorrect, use from Customer c join fetch c.address a join fetch c.store s join fetch a.city c join fetch c.country co.| | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-11** | In TransformTreeTools class, when evaluating string with several fields (e.g. #ROW().address.address + " - " + #ROW().address.city.city + " - " + #ROW().address.city.country.country), length of string must computed after each occurence.| | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-12** | In org.adichatz.generator.xjc.QueryParameterType class, column field is optional. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-13** | Refresh of page is needed after creating new page in Multi-OutlinePage. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-14** | In List/Detail block, when error comes from fetched data from server, Errors message are not removes when refreshing list. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-15** | When error occurs on en entity linked to a tabular controller and when erroneous bean is no longer present in the query list (e.g. because of e pagination), try to retrieve entity by error panel throws an exception. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-16** | in method org.adichatz.engine.controller.AFieldController#lockEntity(boolean) assertion getControl().setEnabled(true); is incorrect, use assertion getControl().setEnabled(isEnabled());. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-17** | An error occurs when loading a query preference having a table renderer incompatible with current tabular (table or grid) controller. In this case choose default/basic table renderer. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-18** | Generation of lazyFetch members is incorrect for FormPageWrapper, IncludTree and ContainerTree. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-19** | Generated java classes of sub menu of a navigator must contain an org.adichatz.engine.extra.AdiResourceURI annotation with the URI of the axml file ( e.g. @AdiResourceURI(URI="adi://sakilaUI/groupNavigator/GroupNavigatorContent")). | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-20** | org.adichatz.engine.common.XmlEqualsBuilder must be rewrites (use getMethods rather than getFields). | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-21** | Select an entity with a composite key as a query parameter value does not work. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-22** | Button "save new preference" is not correctly initialized. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-23** | Label provider in current Controller org.adichatz.engine.controller.collection.ArgTabFolderController, return value computed from initial getValues(). Element must be getEntity().getBean() which can change during the life of the controller. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-24** | Query preference: Selection of a specific query prefrence or refresh to initial query preference are not correctly recorded in the tool panel. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-25** | Query preference: When passin an updated Entity, Field Controllers are locked.. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-26** | Default styles for CComboController or ComboController are not correct. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-27** | Do not create XJC tree page when opening an empty axml file with XjcTreeEditor. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-28** | FilterButton in status bar doesn't work when using ListDetailOutlinePage outline page. Add IQueryOutlinePage interface to ListDetailOutlinePage class. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-29** | **clearImage** ToolItem stay enabled when ImageVewer is disabled. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-30** | org.adichatz.studio.xjc.controller.AdiResourceUriTextController class doesn't return correct AdiResourceURI elements when selecting a plugin (rather than a project). | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-31** | org.adichatz.engine.controller.field.AComboController.setValue(Object) method, when value is null, and error occurs (In this case, set StructuredSelection.EMPTY selection). | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-32** | When refreshing an created entity of an EntitySet, ErrorEditorHandle is not refreshed. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-33** | In Entity editor, when creating a new entity, if TableController hosting E, ErrorEditorHandle is in same page as Entity Detail, TableController state is not correct hust after saving new entity. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-34** |RefreshEntityAction action does not clear hosting composite controller when controller display an element of an EntitySet. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-35** |editor in RefTextController Must no be visible when eclipse context do not belong to an editor (e.g. inside a modal window). | \\ ===== TODO List ===== |< 100% 80px>| ^ Issue ^ Summary ^ | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-01** | Set the preference manager inside a PSHelfItem of the query panel. Manage synchronization whith recent panel. | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-02** | Improve entity injection when opening a new Editor. Search for all needed lazy relationship to be loaded for all entities and then, query the server. (Today the server is queried once by entity). | | @#F5F6CE:**0.8.7-03** | When adding controllerClassName to TableColumnWrapper or GridColumnWrapper, class declaration and method must be parameterized (e.g. “extends TableColumnController<Film>”). |