Table of Contents

Adichatz provides a easy way to develop Eclipse RCP application in JSE (CLient/Server) or JEE (Application Server) mode.

JEE mode is tested in Wilfly (17.x) environment but can be quickly adapted to JBoss environment. Other Application Servers need to build a specific connector.

No special skills are required to use Wildfly or JBoss in Adichatz. You just download and unzip a file and follow these simple steps.

The entire runtime configuration (datasource, JNDI, EJB deployments) is assumed by Adichatz tools.

Download and install Wildfly 18.x

Download and unzip <WRAP adicode>Wildfly AS 18.x final<WRAP> from this page (Choose “Java EE Full & Web Distribution” version).

Install JBoss AS Tools for Eclipse from Eclipse market place site

  1. Start eclipse, then open Marketplace item: Help > Eclipse Marketplace… .

 Confirm Jboss Tools

As for Adichatz, use Install Manager

  1. Select uniquely JbossAS, Wildfly & EAP Server Tools and click Confirm >.
  2. Accept license and click Finish.
  3. Click Install anyway on security warning.
  4. Restart eclipse.

Customize installation

 New AS

Three new icons appear in Tool bar.
Select New server… option.

A new window appears. Select Wildfly 18 server type. click Next button, A new window appears, click Next button again.

Specify Home and JRE

In JBoss Community category select WildFly 18.x item. Click Next… .
Specify WildFly 18.x home directory.

Specify the JRE you want to use for AS server.

Then Launch the server by clicking on option Start Server:
Start server