Release Notes 0.8.6

Changes (15-09-2014)

  • adiResourceURI item of include element in axml files (e.g. <include adiResourceURI=“…” id=“xxx”/>) can be empty so include clause is skipped.
  • When looking a referenced bean thru RefTextController, you can edit and choose a new bean.
  • Recent editors and Recent preference queries pages are improved. Several entries can be open or removed in one action.
  • replace column by property for naming field of a bean.
  • Getters and setters methods are managed in PropertyField class and no longer in AEntityMetaModel class.
  • Current window of Eclipse IDE is activated when sending socket from application in order to open axml files. By changing Adichatz Studio preference, activation can be disabled.
  • A class can linked to part opening: Useful to launch automatic scripts or to test.
  • A specific logger class can be defined in AdichatzRcpConfig.axml file (adiLoggerClassName attribute of RcpConfiguration element).
  • Simplify and improve reflow process of controls when displaying part or typing changes.
  • improve the layout of the controller RefTextController.
  • A copy of file Standalone.xml is saved in directory resources/build/save before adding driver or datasource modules.


Bug Id Summary
0.8.5-01 Code of an axml file for a Binding service listener is not correctly generated.
0.8.5-02 Results of pooled content provided were not correctly restored.
0.8.5-03 When generating EDITOR axml file, #AUTHORIZATION(…) key word has not correct parameters when master entity contains only one entity set.
0.8.5-04 Several bugs in SwitchEditorHandler are corrected
0.8.5-05 Query prefrences dialog contained bugs.
0.8.5-06 Entity Injection process must be disposed and regenerated when changing entity on an Entity Manager controller.
0.8.5-07 org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException occurs when deleting OneToOne bean (impact on lazy nodes tree was not correctly managed).
0.8.5-08 Refresh of action bar for OneToOne section adi://org.adichatz.jpa/common.toolBar/OneToOneDetailTBM is not correct when using action.
0.8.5-09 When deleting an Adichatz project and creating a new project with same name, application datacache is not refreshed (Adichatz studio beeing written with Adichatz tools).
0.8.5-10 If model and ui are split in 2 projects, compilation errors can occur when loading model bean class because model class loader does not knows hibernate libraries).
0.8.6-11 For a set controller, when refresh at start is demanded, launch refresh (query) after control listeners are executed.
0.8.6-12 In ClassTextControntroller treeClasssName selection is incorrect when trying to link TreeWrapper to TableGenerator (or GridGenerator).
0.8.6-13 ScenarioFormEditor: Change are lost when changing page. Changing page is no longer available when a data is updated on one page.
0.8.6-14 XjcTreeEditor: Save action is not disabled when error occurs.
0.8.6-15 Regenerate Bundle properties file from context menu did not work.
0.8.6-16 ScenarioFormEditor: When adding entity belonging to current pluginResources, do not change MANIFEST.MF file.
0.8.6-17 Error when opening in creation mode an editor generated by OnePageEditorScenario when several dependencies exist.
0.8.6-18 When rewriting Jboss standalone.xml file, input stream and output stream were not closed.
0.8.6-19 When adding Model part to a Scenario.xml file thru ScenrioFormEditor, list of plugin entities is not refreshed.


Issue Summary
0.8.6-01 Improve entity injection when opening a new Editor. Search for all needed lazy relationship to be loaded for all entities and then query the server. (Today the server is queried once by entity).
0.8.6-02 When adding controllerClassName to TableColumnWrapper or GridColumnWrapper, class declaration and method must be parameterized (e.g. “extends TableColumnController<Film>”).